Residential development of up to 61 properties on existing farmland
This application was withdrawn shortly before the submission of the Parish Council's objection.
A new planning application was submitted in October for 57 houses.
Lucas Lane proposed development - draft objection (PDF, 1.1 Mb)
Draft notes for objection based on the noise assessment and the lack of required detail on the overheating risk
Lucas Lane Planning Application objection 2019 11 22 (PDF, 547 Kb)
Hilton Parish Council objection letter to SDDC re: Lucas Lane Planning Application 22 November 2019
Lucas Lane Planning Application Cllr Briefing Paper (PDF, 1.5 Mb)
This document was sent to each SDDC Cllr on the Planning Committee to summarise the rationale for the objection and the basis on which they could refuse the application.
The Outline Planning Application was approved on 22 October 2019 (DMPA/2019/1143)
The Detailed (Reserved Matters) planning application was submitted on the 28th July 2021 (DMPA/2021/1277). This was a slightly changed layout which didn't address the Parish Council's original objections. The Parish Council had a meeting with the Planning Officer and Cllr Peter Smith in September 2021. These are being considered as part of the Officer's recommendation and prior to it returning to Planning Committee in 2022.