Neighbourhood Development Plan
The Hilton Parish Council Neighbourhood Development Plan was launched in January 2018 and was managed, initially, through a Steering group reporting into the Council.
The designated area also includes the Parishes of Marston-on-Dove and Hoon.
Neighbourhood Development Plan - Designated Area (PDF, 741 Kb)
The NDP area included the 3 villages of Hilton, Marston-on-Dove, and Hoon.
What is neighbourhood planning?
Neighbourhood planning gives communities direct power to develop a shared vision for their neighbourhood and shape the development and growth of their local area. They are able to choose where they want new homes, shops and offices to be built, have their say on what those new buildings should look like and what infrastructure should be provided, and grant planning permission for the new buildings they want to see go ahead. Neighbourhood planning provides a powerful set of tools for local people to plan for the types of development to meet their community's needs and where the ambition of the neighbourhood is aligned with the strategic needs and priorities of the wider local area
What are the benefits to a community of developing a neighbourhood plan or Order?
Neighbourhood planning enables communities to play a much stronger role in shaping the areas in which they live and work and in supporting new development proposals. This is because unlike the parish, village or town plans that communities may have prepared, a neighbourhood plan forms part of the development plan and sits alongside the local plan prepared by the local planning authority. Decisions on planning applications will be made using both the local plan and the neighbourhood plan, and any other material considerations
(From Government website on Neighbourhood Planning)
From : Plain English guide to the Planning System
37.When a neighbourhood plan has passed examination, achieved successful local support through referendum and is then formally 'made' by the Local Planning Authority, it will form part of the statutory 'development plan' which is used by the local planning authority in deciding planning applications. This status, the community-led nature of neighbourhood planning and extra funding that the community can access through the community infrastructure levy (see below) are real incentives for
communities to take up this right.
The Plan is a series of planning policies grouped into key areas:
- Housing
- Transport
- Environment
- Leisure, Amenities and services
- Education
- Business
The policies were based on a number of public consultations that had been held in the area.
The Plan went been through 2 statutory consultations managed by South Derbyshire District Council and an independent examination in early 2021. The Plan was subjected to a referendum in the Parish on the 16th September 2021 and was approved by a 90%+ majority.
Neighbourhood Development Plan - approved at Referendum
Hilton, Marston & Hoon Neighbourhood Development Plan 2020 - 2035 (PDF, 8.6 Mb)
Hilton, Marston & Hoon Neighbourhood Development Plan 2020- 2035
The referendum question was :
'Do you want South Derbyshire District Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Hilton, Marston-on-Dove and Hoon to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?'
For reference:
Yes meant that the Plan would be accepted and that it would "…form part of the statutory 'development plan' which is used by the local planning authority (SDDC) in deciding planning applications"
No meant that the Plan, in its entirety, would be rejected, and the current situation would prevail with only SDDC's Plan informing planning decisions.
The Independent Examination was performed by a Government Inspector who considered all evidence supporting the Plan and all objections received during the Consultation process.
Independent Examination - Procedural Matters and Questions 10 February 2021 (Word Document, 35 Kb)
Initial response from Independent Examiner, with follw-up questions
Parish Council response to Independent Examiner's Questions 22 Feb 2021 (PDF, 965 Kb)
Detailed response provided to the Independent Examiner following his review of the plan and the Reg 16 responses
Master Programme
Master Programme (PDF, 445 Kb)
Final version of Master Programme reflecting all stages of the consultation process.
Public Consultations
1st Public Survey document- June 2018 (PDF, 703 Kb)
Questionnaire issued to every household in Hilton, in paper form. It was also available on line.
1st Public Survey results – July 2018 (PDF, 787 Kb)
Detailed analysis of 1st Public Survey results
Display of 1st Survey results in Village Hall, to support 2nd Survey Feb 2019 (PDF, 1 Mb)
Public display of all analysis results to inform rationale for questions in 2nd survey - this was also available in-line
2nd Public Survey document – “The Next Step” Feb 2019 (PDF, 260 Kb)
Questionnaire for 2nd Public Survey
2nd Public Survey results – “The Next Step” March 2019 (PDF, 425 Kb)
Full analysis of 2nd Survey results
Regulation 14 Consultation
Consultation Plan (Excel Spreadsheet, 13 Kb)
Detailed plan for consultation process
Analysis of Residents' Comments (PDF, 409 Kb)
Summary of responses from Residents to the Regulation 14 Consultation
Derbyshire County Council comments (PDF, 1.4 Mb)
Response from Derbyshire County Council to Regulation 14 consultation
Responses from South Derbyshire District Council (PDF, 709 Kb)
Responses from SDDC to Regulation 14 process and PC replies
Other Organisations’ comments (PDF, 642 Kb)
Other organisation responses to Regulation 14 consultation
Regulation 16 submissions
Basic Conditions Statement March 2020 (PDF, 587 Kb)
Statutory document as required by the Regulation 16 process
Consultation Statement (PDF, 366 Kb)
Summary of the entire public consultation process
Strategic Environmental Assessment and Habitat Regulations Assessment Screening Determination (PDF, 1.6 Mb)
This statement sets out the Council's determination under Regulation 9 (1) of the Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations 2004 on whether or not a Strategic Environmental Assessment is required for the Hilton, Marston on Dove & Hoon Neighbourhood Development Plan
Independent Examination
Procedural Matters and Questions 10 February 2021 (Word Document, 35 Kb)
Examiner's Report
Parish Council response to Independent Examiners Questions 22 February 2021 (PDF, 965 Kb)
Parish Council response to the Examiner's report
Supporting Documents for Plan
Parking Survey (PDF, 2.4 Mb)
Detailed analysis of parking issues in the Plan area
AECOM Housing Needs Analysis (PDF, 1.2 Mb)
Housing Needs
Local amenity comparison between villages in district (PDF, 225 Kb)
Local amenity comparison between villages in district
Requirement for Care Home Analysis (PDF, 404 Kb)
Requirement for Care Home Analysis
Housing Policy Evidence Paper (PDF, 695 Kb)
Housing Policy Evidence Paper
Traffic Survey (PDF, 1 Mb)
Traffic Survey
Bungalows built in village 2000-2019 (PDF, 395 Kb)
Bungalows built in village 2000-2019
Noise Assessment of Lucas Lane proposed development site (PDF, 1.3 Mb)
Noise Assessment of Lucas Lane proposed development site